24-year-old Aryndel Castro vanished under mysterious circumstances in the Fall of 2008. For nearly a decade his disappearance remained unsolved until one person caved and came forward with crucial information. 

Plus an update on Jack the Ripper!! What?!

Let’s Mourn…


CBS Interactive. (n.d.). Jack the Ripper victim’s relative demands new inquest after possible DNA breakthrough: “A form of justice.” CBS News. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jack-the-ripper-victim-relative-new-inquest-dna-evidence/

Cold case solved: Family has answers 8 years after Bridgeport man went missing. News 12 - Default. (n.d.). https://bronx.news12.com/cold-case-solved-family-has-answers-8-years-after-bridgeport-man-went-missing

Murdered: Aryndel Castro: Bridgeport, CT. Uncovered. (n.d.). https://uncovered.com/cases/aryndel-castro

Tepfer, D. (2024, May 15). Hamden man sentenced in death of Bridgeport man whose body was found under a garage 8 years later. Greenwich Time. https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/aryndel-castro-shawn-gibson-2013-death-19459341.php

YouTube. (n.d.). YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSB5m3W9Anw&pp=ygUaI2JyaWRnZXBvcnRjZW50cmFsYmFzZWJhbGw%3D

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